Mother and Daughter Find Hope Through Mercy Chefs’ Meals

PIKEVILLE, KY — In the wake of devastating floods in Pikeville, KY, Mercy Chefs, a nonprofit dedicated to delivering chef-prepared meals in disaster zones, met Sherry and her nine-year-old daughter, Willow, at their mud-covered home. As they worked to clear out debris and salvage what remained just days after the floodwaters, Mercy Chefs provided them with hot, nourishing meals. 

“My mom grew up in this home,” Willow shared. “All her memories are here, and that’s what makes it so special.” 

Days later, Sherry and Willow visited Shelby Valley High School—Mercy Chefs’ relief base—where they received essential supplies and met Managing Chef John Thompson. Grateful for the meals that had sustained them, they wanted to meet those behind these relief efforts personally. 

Sherry and Willow enjoying a Mercy Chefs meal.

Sherry recounted how their car, which hadn’t been starting before the flood, miraculously turned on just as they were fleeing the rising waters. They escaped just in time—the bridge they crossed was submerged minutes later. While their car is inoperable once again, Sherry and Willow are thankful to God for allowing them to reach safety.

Returning home was overwhelming. Sherry never expected the floodwaters to reach their home. “Words cannot explain the emotion that goes along with that,” said Sherry. “I had to take a moment to take it in because it’s just so devastating.”

Moved by their story, Chef John prayed with them, inviting Willow to lead. Sherry shared that, after witnessing God’s provision, she feels excited to return to church. “He’s been there and showed mercy and kindness through people in the community and through people that’s come in like you all.”

Mercy Chefs’ meals provided a much-needed blessing, especially after the loss of their fridge and food.

Mercy Chefs remains committed to feeding body and soul in the aftermath of disasters. Each meal not only nourishes the body but serves as a reminder of hope and resilience for families like Sherry and Willow.

For information on the nonprofit’s relief efforts in Kentucky, please visit


Mercy Chefs is a 501c3 founded in 2006 in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The organization exists to provide professionally prepared, restaurant-quality meals to victims, volunteers, and first responders in natural disasters and national emergencies and partners with existing ministries with food service in underserved communities around the country. Since its founding, Mercy Chefs has served 29 million meals. In 2020, Mercy Chefs founder Gary LeBlanc was recognized by Southern Living Magazine as a “Hometown Hero,” and Mercy Chefs was named the 2020 Small Business of the Year in the nonprofit category by Inside Business and the Hampton Roads Chamber. Mercy Chefs has also been featured in major news outlets such as CNN, Fox News, NBC News, PBS, and ABC News. For more information, visit