We have a responsibility to be trusted stewards and to maintain integrity and openness in our financial practices. Therefore, we are committed to fulfilling the following standards:
Maintaining governance by a responsible and involved Board of Directors, the majority of who are independent according to legal and accountability standards.
Meeting as necessary to establish policies, approve budgets, and review operational results and accomplishments.
Using contributions faithfully and wisely, fund-raising appeals will clearly identify the purposes and programs to which donations will be applied as the Board provides oversight to ensure that donations are used for the purposes for which they are raised.
Directing that contributions designated for specific projects be applied to those projects with the disclosure that up to ten percent of a contribution may be used for administering the gift. Occasionally, Mercy Chefs may receive more contributions for a designated project than can be wisely applied to that project. In that event, Mercy Chefs will endeavor to use the funds for a similar pressing need.
Contracting with an independent public accounting firm to manage our finances and ensure our financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
Making the annual Form 990 available on the Mercy Chefs website and to all who request the information.
Seek to conduct Mercy Chefs activities with the highest standards of integrity and avoid conflicts of interest.
Avoid high-pressure, manipulative, or deceptive fund-raising tactics and respect the privacy of our supporters by never selling, leasing, or renting our mailing lists.
Respecting the privacy of our donors, we do not sell or rent our mailing list to other groups wishing to use the names and addresses of our supporters. We maintain tight security on our list of friends and supporters.