Mercy Chefs’ Master Chef Club
Mercy Chefs is fully reliant upon the contributions of private donors, like you. Over the past eleven and a half years we have worked tirelessly to serve over 1.5 million meals to our fellow Americans in need, and every meal was paid for by the generosity of our supporters. Our Master Chef Club is comprised of our most faithful partners, who ensure Mercy Chefs has the necessary funding to sustain and grow our relief efforts. Each member contributes at least $50 per month over the course of the year. These recurring donations are critical to the overall health of our organization. Today, you are invited to join this important club.

Join the Master Chef Club Today
At the celebration of our tenth anniversary, we averaged 301 meals a day, every day for the entirety of our existence. Then we added another kitchen. During the one and half years following, we have averaged 615 meals every day! That’s greater than a 200% increase with just one new unit.
This year, we reached the maximum capacity with our current equipment. At the same time, we saw a need greater than ever before, and realized we must do more.
With 333 new members contributing $50 a month, Mercy Chefs will be able to purchase and build out a fourth kitchen to add to our fleet expanding our response capacity in the coming year.